Our Services

Our Services

We understand the investment of time and money that learners and their families put into education and the critical importance of gaining tangible growth and development during the time that is spent at a learning institution. We also acknowledge that willingness to pay does not always mean ability to pay. At d2i   we believe that quality education should be accessible to all students regardless of their financial circumstances and it is for this reason that we have launched Student Financial Aid to ease the burden on students and families who are not able to afford the full program fee.

What We Do

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Application Steps

Step 1

The student is admitted to d2i | College

Step 2

The student express’s interest in Financial Aid – d2i@d2ikenya.com

Step 3

Admissions shares the Financial Aid Application form with the student.

Step 4

The student completes and submits the application form within a week.

Step 5

Student Financing reviews the form and reaches out to the student.

Step 6

An interview is scheduled with the applicant

Step 7

Student financing board further reviews the student’s application

Step 8

Student Financing reaches out to the student through email, notifying them whether or not they have been awarded aid.

Step 9

If awarded aid, the student receives a ‘Financial Assistance Award Notification’ email with an attached form

At d2i industrial attachment training is a mandatory unit which will be undertaken by every student undertaking , diploma or certificate programme. The purpose of this training is to supplement classroom training and instill in the students the right work attitudes and professionalism so that they can become effective and productive to organizations. Industrial attachment training gives the learner an opportunity to interact and learn from the industry, business and the community. This can be done in any organization of a student’s choice accepted by the college. d2i ILO office handle all the documentation and assessments in the area of the student’s course specialization. It is expected that students will gain first-hand experience in diverse sectors as they undergo the attachment experience. These include schools, colleges, societies, hospitals, NGOs, volunteer organizations, government departments, private sector organizations, and religious Institutions among others. Evaluation is completed by the department supervising the learner and the industrial supervisor at the place of attachment.
Attachees are expected to keep a daily log or portfolio of all the activities and lessons learnt during the internship and submit a written report of their experience which will also be marked by the College Assessors/ Supervisor. The attachment policy guide the students and the department on undertaking industrial attachment training.

d2i is keen to always explore innovative processes in our operations. Our Research, Innovation & Development team always ensure that we conduct very competitive courses in all our schools. Course delivery innovations and processes are continuously being audited in line with our R&D policy.

CSR activities of the College is guided by CSR Policy and apply to all the activities which are not ordinarily “Academic” that allow us give back in aid of the society and the environment around which t we operate. The policy outlines objectives, principles, strategies, funding, structures and implementation etc
It shall bind the Management, Satff and Students on issues of CSR. In furtherance of its CSR objectives, the College proposes to meet its CSR obligation through a combination of one or more of the following: i. CSR activities implemented by the College on its own. ii. CSR activities implemented by the College through own accord. iii. CSR activities of the College through external partner.